Scripture Reading - Job 33:14-15

14 For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.
15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; KJV

When discussing the topic of sleep it must be told that there are generally three types of sleep. These three types can be experienced all in one night but typically people fall into at least one of these categories as a dominate habit. The first is “Light Sleep” which means faint noises and/or a flashing light can awake you out of your sleep. The second type is “Regular Sleep” which means the average level of sleep for people upon the earth. Third level which we are presenting today is “Deep Sleep”. This type of sleep is when neither sudden light, nor temporary noises or subtle movement can awake you from your sleep. “Deep sleep” is the will of God for all mankind. Our Lord Jesus Christ is no respecter of people He desires for all people to enjoy the benefits of “deep sleep” no matter how close you are to Him. The Lord created “deep sleep” to help all people recover their physical strength and rest their minds. The whole purpose of sleep is for restoration by rest. The phrase “Deep Sleep” is to describe the quality of restoration you experienced during the night. We know it is God’s Will according to the verse in Job because the statement, “when deep sleep falls upon men” is not singling out any specific people group. All readers of the Holy Bible must know that when the word “men” is used it is understood that women are men too. The only difference is they have a womb, thus womb-men is the two word description of the combined one word of “woman”. Yes, that is one witness but also practical wisdom dictates when understanding God’s Will look unto small children (infants) because they have not been corrupted by sin. Yes, little children who are properly cared for experience more “deep sleep” then a middle aged adult because worry, concern and physical ailments have not tainted their sleep. Most people, when doing self-examination, will admit their sleep can change based upon their physical condition and mental state that very day. Yes, “deep sleep” is a blessing of God but it is not automatic what is automatic is that the physical body and thought process of man needs rest. Therefore, seek to achieve “deep sleep” on a consistent basis through trust in God. You can experience a better quality of sleep when your mind is in peace and your physical body is calm. As the scripture states “deep sleep falls upon men” but you must be open to receive it. This is an act of your submission to God’s Will by boldly proclaiming, “I have deep sleep in Christ Jesus because God’s Will is always working in me. Amen.